Committee details

Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Purpose of committee

This is a regulatory committee of the Combined County Authority; these are Committees that the Combined County Authority must have by law.


The function of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee is to:


·         review or scrutinise any decision made, or other action taken, in connection with any Non-Mayoral Function or Mayoral Function of the Combined County Authority.

·         make reports or recommendations to the Combined County Authority, with respect to any Non- Mayoral Function of the Combined Authority.

·         make reports or recommendations to the Mayor, with respect to any Mayoral Function of the Combined County Authority.

·         make reports or recommendations to the Combined County Authority or the Mayor on any matter that affects the Combined County Authority’s Area or the inhabitants of the Combined County Authority’s Area


The Combined County Authority must appoint one or more overview and scrutiny committees whose proceedings shall operate in accordance with these terms of reference and the Scrutiny Standing Orders detailed in Part 4 of the Constitution.


Contact information

Support officer: Emma Powley.
