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Audit & Governance Committee

This page lists the meetings for Audit & Governance Committee.

Information about Audit & Governance Committee

The Audit & Governance Committee is a regulatory committee to the Combined County Authority; these are Committees that the Combined County Authority must have by law.


The function of the Audit & Governance Committee is to:


·         review and scrutinise the Combined County Authority’s financial affairs

·         review and assess the Combined County Authority’s risk management, internal control and corporate governance arrangements

·         review and assess the economy, efficiency and effectiveness with which resources have been used in discharging the Combined County Authority’s functions

·         make reports and recommendations to the Combined County Authority in relation to reviews conducted under paratha bullets above

·         implement the obligation to ensure high standards of conduct amongst Members. 


The Combined County Authority must appoint an Audit Committee whose proceedings shall operate in accordance with these terms of reference and the Scrutiny Standing Orders detailed in Part 4 of the Constitution